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They can also export data as an SPSS *.sav file.


  • Users with a valid IBM SPSS license can now import SPSS *.sav files directly into jMetrik.
  • Click here to access example data files that you may use while learning jMetrik. For questions about jMetrik, see the FAQ page or join the jMetrik Google Group. Additional step-by-step instructions are available for some procedures in the online User Guide. New users should read the Quick Start Guide or watch a short video about using jMetrik. Users can also create new tables by saving the results of an analysis in the database for further processing. After importing data into jMetrik, users can create subsets of data by selecting examinees or variables. Users are only limited by the amount of storage on their computer. There is virtually no limit to the sample size or number of tables that can be stored in the database. The database is the primary mechanism for data management. There is no need to reformat or reshape data for each procedure. JMetrik’s embedded database increases productivity by providing a common data format for all of its methods. 3PL, 4PL, GPCM), and item response theory linking and equating. Psychometric methods include classical item analysis, reliability estimation, test scaling, differential item functioning, nonparametric item response theory, Rasch measurement models, item response models (e.g.

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    Experienced users can take advantage of the jMetrik command structure and write command files for executing an analysis.

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    New users can quickly learn to implement psychometric procedures though point-and-click menus. It also scales to the experience of the user. The interface is intuitive and easy to learn. Read the options below and select the version of jMetrik that is appropriate for your computer. It runs on any Windows, Mac OSX, or Linux platforms that have a current version of Java.


    JMetrik TM is free and open source psychometric software.

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